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Matches 2581 - 2600 of 2790

Type Artist Title Label Condition EUR
CD Various Artists Operette live - Volksoper Wien ORF N 18,10
CD Various Artists Trigonale 2006 ORF N 28,90
CD Various Artists Die Königin von Saba Pannon Classic N 13,90
CD Various Artists Stars of the Hungarian Opera - Soprano Singers 1903-1942 Pannon Classic N 13,90
CD Various Artists Stars of the Hungarian Opera - Tenor Singers 1903-1955 Pannon Classic N 13,90
CD Various Artists Works by Máté Holl´s: Fötfelé hulló levelek éneke / Leaves Falling Upwards Pannon Classic N 13,90
CD Various Artists Great Hungarian Violinists Pannon Classic N 13,90
CD Various Artists Ujjé, A Ligetben Nagyszeru... Pannon Jazz N 13,90
CD Various Artists Kolya (Original Soundtrack) Philips N 19,90
CD Various Artists Stargala der Goldenen Operette Vol. 3 Philips N 9,90
CD Various Artists Stargala der Goldenen Operette Vol. 2 Philips N 9,90
CD Various Artists Stargala der Goldenen Operette Vol. 1 Philips N 9,90
CD Various Artists Best of Demonstration Vol 1 Pierre Verany N 17,90
CD Various Artists Digital Test + demonstrations Pierre Verany N 36,90
CD Various Artists Musicians of Europe Pierre Verany N 17,90
CD Various Artists Demonstrations + Tests Pierre Verany N 17,90
CD Various Artists Hanns Eisler - A Composer's Portrait Pilz N 19,90
CD Various Artists Die Sänger der Wiener Staatsoper zur Wiedereröffnung des Hauses am Ring 1955 (3 CD-Set) Preiser N 27,90
CD Various Artists Show Boat (1951 Soundtrack) (plus Bonus Tracks) Rhino N 17,90
CD Various Artists Theresienstadt Die Musik 1941-44 (2 CD-Set) Romantic Robot E+ 29,90

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