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Matches 261 - 280 of 2790

Type Artist Title Label Condition EUR
CD Berchtold, Bernhard / Haselboeck, Hermine / Vorzellner, Markus Das Lied von der Erde (Originalversion) CAvi-music N 17,90
CD Berezowsky, Boris / Suwanai, Akiko / Kitaenko, Dmitri / Moscow PO Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, Op. 23 / Violin Concerto In D major, Op. 35 Apex WCI N 17,50
CD Berlin PO, Georg Kulenkampff Violin Concerto, Adagio Dutton N 17,90
CD Berlin PO, Sir Thomas Beecham Die Zauberflöte (2 CD-Set) Dutton N 31,90
CD Berlin State Opera Orchestra, Otto Klemperer The complete 78 rpm recordings: Symphony Nr. 1,8, u.a. (5 CD-Box) Archiphon N 60,90
CD Berliner Solisten Quintet / Octet Warner Classics N 6,90
CD Berman / Giulini / WSY / Sinopoli / WPO Klavierkonzerte 1 & 2 DG N 11,90
CD Bernard Roberts Piano Trio, The Phantasy trio in C mool, piano trio nr. 2 Blackbox N 13,90
CD Bernard Soustrot Trumpet + organ Pierre Verany N 14,50
CD Bernard Soustrot, Orch Phil des Pays de la Loire Trumpet Concertos Pierre Verany N 17,90
CD Bernet, Dietfried / Kreppel, Walter / Cordes, Marcel / Coertse, Mimi / + Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor (2 CD-Set) Hamburger Archiv für Gesangskunst N 19,90
CD Bernius, Frieder/Kammerchor Stuttgart Lux aeterna / Stabat Mater / As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams / Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen Carus N 18,90
DVD Bernstein / WSO / Janowitz / Popp / Kollo, + Fidelio (DVD-Video) DG N 34,90
Sheet Bernstein, Leonard Werk: Drei Meditationen aus MASS / Three Meditations from MASS Boosey & Hawkes N- 19,90
CD Bernstein, Leonard The 1953 American Decca Recordings (Original Masters) (5 CD-Set) DG N 39,90
CD Bernstein, Leonard Complete Recordings On DG and Decca (121 CD+ 36 DVD + 1 BR-Set) DG N 449,90
CD Bernstein, Leonard Bernstein Conducts Bernstein Dutton N 19,90
DVD Bernstein, Leonard In Rehersal And Performance (DVD-Video) Euro Arts N 26,90
DVD Bernstein, Leonard The Anniversary Edition (5 DVD-Video) Euro Arts N 42,90
CD Bernstein, Leonard Bernstein conducts Stravinsky and Ravel Pearl N 20,90

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