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Matches 2421 - 2440 of 2790

Type Artist Title Label Condition EUR
CD The Brunel Ensemble, Christopher Austin Red Leaves: Birthday piece, Elijah's violin u.a. Cala N 17,90
CD The Central Band of the Royal Air Force On Tour: Duke Ellington selection u.a. Cala N 17,90
CD The Cikada Quartet Black Angels: String quartet Cala N 17,90
CD The Dolezal Quartet String Quartet 14 Arta N 17,90
CD The Dolezal Quartet String quartet, Kreutzer Sonate u.a. Arta N 17,90
CD The Dolezal Quartet String quartets Arta N 17,90
CD The Feinstein Ensemble, Martin Feinstein The Flute sonatas Blackbox N 13,90
CD The Feinstein Ensemble, Martin Feinstein Flute concertos Blackbox N 13,90
CD The Griller Quartet String Quartet Nr. 14, String Quartet in C op 33 u.a. Dutton N 14,50
CD The Group for Contemporary Music Wuorinen: Six Trios Naxos American N 12,90
CD The Guenter Kallmann Chor Serenade: Elisabethan Serenade u.a. Memoir N 16,90
CD The Hanover Band, Roy Goodman Works for violin + orchestra: Violin concerto nr. 3 + 5 Cala N 17,90
CD The Hanover Band, Roy Goodman Complete works f violin + orchestra: Violin Concerto in D-Dur Cala N 17,90
CD The Irish Chamber Orchestra, Fionnuala Hunt Strings a-stray Blackbox N 13,90
CD The Jonathan Miller Production St. Matthew Passion: Highlights Cala N 17,90
CD The Jonathan Miller Production St. Matthew Passion-complete Cala N 17,90
CD The Lyric Piano Quartet Strauss:Turina: Piano Quartets Blackbox N 13,90
CD The Nash Ensemble / etc. Lament for a hanging man u.a. NMC N 18,80
CD The Nash Ensemble / Lionel Friend Canciones, .. Era madrugada u.a. NMC N 18,80
CD The Nash Ensemble / Raphael Wallfisch Kiss on wood (14 little pictures) Blackbox N 13,90

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