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Matches 481 - 500 of 2790

Type Artist Title Label Condition EUR
CD Chantal de Zeeuw Organ works Pierre Verany N 17,90
CD Chantal de Zeeuw French organ music from the Revolution to the Empire Pierre Verany N 36,90
CD Chiokerly Serenade Slave-Danse du sabre u.a. Pierre Verany N 17,90
CD Choeur de Chambre Accentus Chansons Pierre Verany N 17,90
CD Choeur de la Laure de la Trinite Saint Serge et de l'Academie Ecclesiastique de Mouscou The Monks of Zagorsk inParis Pierre Verany N 17,90
CD Choeur Gregorien de Paris Ludovicus Rex Pierre Verany N 17,90
CD Choeur Gregorien de Paris Civitas Die Pierre Verany N 17,90
CD Choeur Gregorien de Paris, Jean-Patrice Brosse Messe et Vespres du jour de Paques Pierre Verany N 17,90
CD Choir + orchestra of King's Consort, Robert King Music from the courts of Europe-London: Zadok u.a. Cala N 17,90
CD Chor und Orchester des Kölner Rundfunks / Marszalek, Franz / + Der liebe Augustin (2 CD-Set) Cantus-Line N 12,90
CD Christian Mendoze, Bruno Ré, Giorgio Barbolini La Follia Pierre Verany N 14,50
CD Christie, William / Les Arts Florissants / + Indes Galantes / Castor & Polux…(10 CD-Set) Harmonia M N 52,90
CD Christophe Rousset, Florence Malgoire Sonatas for harpsichord with violin Pierre Verany N 17,90
CD Christopher Bowers-Broadbent Ikons-Choral Music Cala N 17,90
CD Christopher Warren-Green - The Johann Strauss Orchestra ”The Strauss Album: Erinnerung an Covent G””” Blackbox N 13,90
CD Ciniselli, Ferdinando The Art Of Ferdinando Ciniselli Preiser N 16,90
CD City of Birmingham SO, Mark Elder Hamlet and King Lear Cala N 17,90
CD City of Birmingham SO, Mark Elder Hypothetically Murdered: Four Romances u.a. Cala N 17,90
CD City of London Sinfonia, Richard Hickox After the rain for string orch NMC N 18,80
CD Clarinotts, the The Clarinotts Gramola N 17,50

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