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Nagel Heyer Records

Das Hamburger CD-Label Nagel Heyer Records war, wie viele andere Unternehmen dieser Art, eigentlich gar nicht geplant. Alles begann mit George Gershwins Geburtstag am 26. September 1992.

Damals produzierte Nagel Heyer ein Jazzkonzert mit Musik von Gershwin, das live aufgenommen wurde um ein Souvenir dieser Veranstaltung zu bekommen. Der Mitschnitt wurde dank der daran teilnehmenden hervorragenden Musiker George Masso, Randy Sandke, Kenny Davern, Danny Moss, Eddie Higgins, Len Skeat und Jake Hanna, ein großer Erfolg.

Daher folgten im Jahre 1993 sieben Livemitschnitte von Konzerten in Hamburg.

Seit damals hat diese Firma weit über 100 Tonträger produziert mit dem Ziel, das Beste aus dem Bereich Modern- und Mainstream Jazz vorzustellen.

Der aktuelle Katalog beinhaltet Einspielungen von Jazzgrößen wie Eric Reed, Clark Terry, Donald Harrison, Bill Charlap, Terell Stafford, Harry Allen, Buck Clayton, Ralph Sutton, Howard Alden, Bob Wilber, Warren Vaché und vielen anderen.

Nagel Heyer Records strebt danach, eines der einflussreichsten unabhängigen Jazz-Labels zu werden ("…it's not hard to say that Nagel Heyer are out-majoring the so-called 'majors'." Tim Dorset, Jazz Review) und dabei einen gesunden Respekt und Hochachtung vor der glorreichen Jazzvergangenheit mit der Firmenvision zu verbinden.

Das Jazz-Label will auch in Zukunft sowohl etablierte als auch aufstrebende junge Musiker vorstellen.

Sabine Nagel Heyer, Präsidentin/Geschäftsführerin von Nagel Heyer Records, beobachtet „die erfreuliche Menge an wunderbaren Talenten die in der heutigen Jazzszene weit und breit zu hören sind.“

Marcus Printup, Wayne Escoffery, Dylan Cramer, Lyambiko, David Gibson, Roy Powell, Ken Peplowski, Wycliffe Gordon, und Byron Stripling sind nur einige der Künstler, die bei Nagel Heyer aufnehmen.

Somit ist es kein Zufall, daß Kritiker folgendes über das Label geschrieben haben:

"Followers of the Nagel Heyer label know what to expect from this high quality, amazingly consistent German firm - hot, live, combo-jam performances by some of the best swing-orientated jazzmen in the world today." (Jack Sohmer, Jazz Times)

"What's the difference between mainstream, then and now? If Concord sets the standard for this kind of album two decades back, then Nagel Heyer are flying the same flag even higher now." (Richard Cook, Jazz Review)

Nagel Heyer hat eine innige Beziehung zum Jazz. Jede Aufnahme ist das Ergebnis von Begeisterung, Präzision und peinlich genauer Detailbeachtung.

Das Sound-Mastering ist perfekt. Titelauswahl und Veröffentlichung sind eine feinfühlige und gewissenhafte Zusammenarbeit zwischen Künstler, Toningenieur und Produzent.

Es sind sowohl Live- als auch Studioeinspielungen erhältlich. Deshalb hat das deutsche Label schon jetzt bei den Kritikern und dem internationalen Jazzpublikum einen beinahe legendären Status erhalten.

Im Herbst 2002 wurde der 10. Geburtstag von Nagel Heyer Records gefeiert – und das ist erst der Anfang...

Derzeit erhältliche CDs


Nagel Heyer BSIN02130684

Gäbel, Denis - Keep On Rollin' – A Tribute To Sonny Rollins

Denis Gäbel (tenor sax ), Jasper Blom (tenor sax ), Henning Gailing (bass ), Hendrik Smock (drums ).
1. Freedom Suite, Part 1
2. Freedom Suite, Interlude
3. Freedom Suite, Part 2
4. Freedom Suite, Interlude
5. Freedom Suite, Part 3
6. Way Out West
7. I’m An Old Cowhand
8. Come, Gone
9. Freedom Suite, Part 2 (Bonus Track)
Recorded on November 14, 2005 at Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, Netherlands.

“Denis Gäbel has per... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN02130407

Lang, Walter / Quintet - The Art Of Romanticism, Vol. 1

Walter Lang (piano), Peter Tuscher (trumpet, flugelhorn), Ekkehard Rössle (saxophones ), Henning Sieverts (bass ), Rick Hollander (drums )
1. Im Wunderschönen Monat Mai (Robert Schumann)
2. Springbirds (Walter Lang Jun.)
3. Sing This Song (Walter Lang Jun.)
4. Gute Nacht (Franz Schubert)
5. Father & Son (Walter Lang Jun.)
6. Michas Moods (Walter Lang Jun.)
7. Simon (Walter Lang Jun.)
8. No Outono Da Noite (Walter Lang Jun.)
9. Der W... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN02061157

Roditi, Claudio / Ignatzek, Klaus / Rassinfosse, Jean-Louis / with Strings - Smile

Claudio Roditi (trumpet, flugelhorn, vocals), Klaus Ignatzek (piano), Jean-Louis Rassinfosse (bass), plus Hans Dekker (drums), with the Bremen Philharmonic Strings.
12 Tracks. Recorded live on November 13, 2005 at Schlachthof, Bremen.
Roditi/Ignatzek/Rassinfosse are a trio of equals with each player listening to the others and developing their ideas and moods. They are all inventive, melodic swingers so their music plays to the head, the heart and the feet. With several recordings an... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN02060880

Gordon, Wycliffe - Standards Only

Wycliffe Gordon (trombone, vocals), Victor Goines (tenor sax, clarinet), Randy Sandke (trumpet), Eric Reed (piano), Rodney Whitacker (bass), Herlin Riley (drums), Milt Grayson (vocals) and many others.
12 Tracks (incl. 6 previously unreleased tracks).
Recorded 1998 – 2001 in New York City. Compiled by Hans Nagel-Heyer.
Wycliffe Gordon, as usual, is amazing, expressing joy, amiable personality and sophistication in his playing. Here he proves once again that he is one of the most... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN02061434

Various Artists - Christmas Jazz Greats

Enjoy 14 all-time Christmas favourites by musicians like Harry Allen, Wycliffe Gordon, Jay McShann, Ralph Sutton, Milt Hinton, Gus Johnson, Martin Sasse, Peter Bernstein, Dan Gottshall, Jim Galloway, James Chirillo, Jon-Erik Kellso, Mark Shane plus many others.
70 minutes of soulful and relaxing Christmas Jazz at a special low price.
Price: 17,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN02060603

Carabelli, Alessandro / Group feat. Franco Ambrosetti - Aphrodite

Alessandro Carabelli (piano), Franco Ambrosetti (trumpet), Diego Mascherpa (saxophones, clarinet), Luciano Zadro (guitar), Marco Conti (bass), Stefano Bagnoli (drums).
11 Tracks. All compositions by Alessandro Carabelli - except Dreaming Bertinoro by Luciano Zadro and Blue Sun by Marco Conti. Recorded at MC Studio, Gavirate (VA) - Italy - October 5-6-7, 2005.
Aphrodite is full of moonlight – and squarely lit by the sun. For one thing, the six innovative and engaging Italian musicia... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN02060326

Partridge, Sarah - You Are There - Songs For My Father

Sarah Partridge (vocals), Sean Jones (trumpet & flugelhorn ), Daniel May (piano ), Tony DePaolis (bass ), Jeff Grubbs (bass), James T Johnson III (drums)
14 Tracks. Recorded at Maywood Studios, Pittsburgh, PA, June 1 - June 5 2006.
This album pays tribute to the memory of her beloved father, Lawrence Partridge, in a swinging journey through some of the classic songs of the last century that her father loved plus some songs that he would have loved to hear Sarah sing. His daughter eve... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01928474

Harrison, Donald / Miller, Mulgrew / Scott, Christian - The Survivor

Donald Harrison is a well-established neo-bop sax player. He has brought a lot of freshness to the jazz scene and The Survivor continues along those lines with a lot of funky contemporary flair. Whether it is the title track or the cool funky beats behind ‘Twerk It’ and ‘The Hook Up’ Donald Harrison manages to again create new space with songs that have appeal to both straight ahead and contemporary jazz listeners. He also modernizes classic numbers like ‘Summertime’ and ‘Caravan’. The band is a... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01928751

Various Artists - Ballads 2006 (Tomorrow’s Jazz Classics - Enjoy 13 Beautiful Love Songs)

The right stuff for a romantic summer. If you are looking for relaxed, smooth and fine music by some of today’s jazz greats plus a bunch of rising stars you don’t have to look any further. Here you get exactly what you need. Mellow tunes for an unforgettable summer night. Sounds everybody surely will enjoy – you don’t even have to be a jazz fan. Don’t miss the best artists and music available on Nagel Heyer to listen to at sunsets, dinner parties, promenades, swimming pools or whenever you want... more
Price: 11,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01912962

Copland, Marc / Brecker, Randy - Both/And

Mit Marc Copland (piano), Randy Brecker (trumpet), Ed Howard (bass), Victor Lewis (drums). 8 Tracks. Recorded on November 20, 2004 at The Studio, New York. Total time: 62,59 min. With Marc Copland and Randy Brecker - piano and trumpet, respectively - the synergy is so all-embracing, they seem to be joined at the hip. Extremely hip. But to make things even better they are joined here by a legendary rhythm section including Victor Lewis on drums and Ed Howard on bass. The result is an impressi... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01912685

Lackner, Benny / Trio - Sign Of The Times

Mit Benny Lackner (piano, fender rhodes, nordelectro, nordlead 2, hohner pianet), Derek Nievergelt (accustic bass, electric bass), Robert Perkins (drums, percussion ). 9 Tracks. Recorded on November 19, 2004 at The Studio, New York. Total time: 61,16 min. Pianist Benny Lackner has made some waves in the past couple of years with his sensational debut Not the Same where he finally got the chance to step out and prove his mettle in the piano trio format. "Lackner may be the first established... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01912408

Zona Sul - Beira

Mit Sophie Wegener (vocals), Pedro Tagliani (guitar & vocals), Tizian Jost (piano), Matthias Engelhardt (bass), Hajo v. Hadeln (drums).
11 Tracks. Recorded on September 12 and 13, 2005 at realistic sound, Munich.

„Traumhaft.“ „Mitreißend.“ „Wunderschön.“ Wer mit solchen Lobeshymnen ausgestattet wird, hat es nicht leicht weiterzumachen. Stimmt nicht! Zumindest nicht immer...
Literaturnobelpreisträger Günther Grass hält das nächste Buch immer für das schwierigste. Gleiches ste... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01912131

Ignatzek, Klaus / Menzel, Susanne - In-Tandem

Mit Klaus Ignatzek (piano), Susanne Menzel (vocals), Peter Weniger (saxophone), Martin Wind (bass), Hans Dekker (drums). 12 Tracks. Recorded: February 21 and 22 and March 25, 2005 at Fattoria Musica, Osnabrück. Total time: 73,18 min. Wollte man ein "Who's who" der europäischen Jazzmusik verfassen, dem Pianisten und Komponisten Klaus Ignatzek gebührte ein besonders umfangreicher Eintrag. Denn nicht ohne Grund zählt ihn die Kritik immer wieder zu den führenden Tastenkünstlern dieses Kontinents... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01867534

Reinhart, Randy / Thilo, Jesper / Sextet - For Basie

”THIS CENTENARY TRIBUTE to Count Basie is happily much more than a well-intentioned repertory project. Having jazz musicians recreate famous recordings can be exhilarating but is more often an odd expenditure of creative energies. Even better, this tribute is not restricted to long versions of One O’Clock Jump and Jumpin’ At The Woodside. What this band has done, lightly and politely, as Louis Armstrong said, is to tip their hats to a musical way of thinking and feeling epitomized by the Basie ... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01867811

Chinaza - Changes

Featuring Chinaza (vocals), Sebastian Weiss (piano, rhodes), Eric St-Laurent (guitar), Pepe Berns (bass), Heinz Lichius (drums). 11 Tracks. Recorded in July 2004 at A-Trane Studio, Berlin and in June 2004 and May 2005 at Audiocue Tonlabor, Berlin. "If i can make it, you’ll gonna make it, too." Norah Jones in a conversation with Chinaza at Makor Club, Upper East Side, New York City, November 28, 2001. Norah Jones really did make it. That’s a fact. Now it’s time for something new – Chinaza. ... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01793852

Roditi, Claudio / Ignatzek, Klaus / Rassinfosse, Jean-Louis / Trio - Reflections

Featuring Claudio Roditi (trumpet, flugelhorn), Klaus Ignatzek (piano), Jean-Louis Rassinfosse (bass). 11 Tracks. Recorded and mixed on August 25, 26 and 27, 2005 at Dada Studios, Brussels, Belgium. This set features chamber jazz from a top-notch trumpet-piano-bass trio. Trumpeter-flugelhornist Claudio Roditi is mostly the lead voice due to the nature of his instrument, but in reality all three musicians contribute equally to the music's success. In addition to two songs by Dizzy Gillespie (‘O... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01794129

Seaton, Lynn / Trio - Puttin' On The Ritz

Featuring Lynn Seaton (bass), Stephen Anderson (piano), Joel Fountain (drums). 9 Tracks. Recorded on May 13, 2002 at Panhandle House Studio, Denton, Texas. Puttin’ On The Ritz is a collection of tunes that reflects the intimacy and rapport the trio developed by playing together frequently. We evolved ways to present some of our favorite songs within the context of interesting arrangements. Playing with Joel and Stephen is really fun. Both are extremely supportive team players. Their ability to... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01778617

Abe, Daisuke - On My Way Back Home

The future of jazz is now. This idea you will get immediately while listening to this sensational debut of guitarist Daisuke Abe. Even if he is a very young player he sounds like a cool cat. And his bandmates are worth listening as well. You will enjoy music that is focused on players and soloists. Since moving to New York, Daisuke Abe has been performing his unique compositions with his band in several Jazz clubs in the NYC area including Cleopatra's Needle and Kavehaz. For his debut as leader... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01778340

Holzmann, Adam / & Brave New World - Jazz Rocket Science

Optimistic music in the age of fear. That’s what the newest recording by Adam Holzman & Brave New World is all about! Brave New World is a powerful downtown, fusion band. The band comes out funky and heavy on the opener "Superhero" and follow it up with the soulful "Life On Mars." The introspective "The Telltale Heart", is an example of some of the band's quieter moments followed by more fusion-funk. The members groove hard and solo with passion. This is grown-up fusion, with the freneticism of... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01778063

Woodstore Quintet with Tim Hagans - 41st Parallel

Astonishing. There is no other word to describe and catch the essence of this CD. And of this band, Woodstore, that comes to the international scene with a project of utter prestige. They all come from Sardinia, one of the most beautiful region of the Mediterranean. However, Woodstore players, rather than hide in the cosy microcosm of their land, have always sought to find a universal language able to connect with their surroundings and beyond. They have established deep conceptual bonds with th... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01706874

Lang, Walter / Trio - Softly As In A Morning Sunrise

It's a wonderful piano trio recording. it fits well to summer. the music and the sound quality are exceptional. The pianist Walter Lang wrote 6 songs. The rest was written by Kosma, Schwartz, Romberg and Rodgers. For about 10 years Walter has been part of the Munich jazz scene and worked with, among others, Johannes Herrlich‘s Collage, the Jason Seizer Quartet and the Harald Rueschenbaum Quintet. Featuring Walter Lang (piano), Nicolas Thys (bass), Rick Hollander (drums). 10 Tracks plus 1 Bon... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01637070

Lackner, Benny / Trio - Not The Same

Wenn ein Trio jemals in den Sphärenbereich des Esbjörn Svensson Trios gelangen sollte, dann das Benny Lackner Trio. An Ideen im Harmonischen, Vielseitigen, sowie in der Auswahl an verschiedenen Sounds stehen sie dem E.S.T in nichts nach. Vielleicht mangelt es noch ein wenig an schönen Melodien, die Svensson zu komponieren versteht. Doch genug der Vergleiche. Benny Lackners Debüt „Not The Same” kündigt ein Trio an, das gewiss nicht mit der üblichen Triokost aufwartet, sondern schon mit dem ersten... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01668371

Young, Ruth - This Is Always

Featuring Ruth Young (voc), Herb Geller (as), Walter Lang (p), Wolfgang Lackerschmid (vib), Rocky Knauer (b). 12 Tracks. Recorded at Traumraum Tonstudio. Augsburg, on July 17 and 20, 2002. Ruth Young is the Sexy Vocal Alter Ego of jazz icon Chet Baker and co-star Bruce Weber’s award winning documentary ‘Let’s Get Lost’. She was Baker’s girlfriend for almost 10 years (1973 - 1982). They lived, travelled, worked and got lost together. This is her out of the ordinary debut album. Young's smoky voi... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01690531

Full House (featuring Jim Rotondi and David Hazeltine) - Champagne Taste

Full House featuring Jim Rotondi and David Hazeltine Featuring Jim Rotondi (trumpet, synthesizer), David Hazeltine (fender rhodes, hammond b3), Greg Skaff (guitar), Barak Mori (bass), Joe Strasser (drums). 11 Tracks. Recorded live at Smoke, New York City, on May 30, June 13 and June 20, 2002. Full House is an exciting new musical collaboration between trumpeter Jim Rotondi and pianist David Hazeltine which draws on a wide variety of influences, ranging from their straight-ahead jazz roots... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01689977

Gibson, David - The Path To Delphi

Featuring David Gibson (trombone), Randy Brecker (trumpet, flugelhorn), Wayne Escoffery (soprano saxophone), Rick Germanson (piano), Dwayne Burno (bass), Joe Strasser (drums). 9 Tracks.Recorded at The Studio, New York City, on November 21, 2004. "Have no fear - jazz performance is safely in the hands of a new generation of players with outstanding chops, grounded in the foundations of the past, and with new musical expressions to present." - (Stan Pethel, International Trombone Association Q... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01690254

Lynch, Brian - 24/7

Featuring Brian Lynch (trumpet), Miguel Zenon (alto saxophone), Rick Germanson (piano), Hans Glawischnig (bass), Neal Smith (drums). 11 Tracks. Recorded at Acoustic Recording, Brooklyn, New York, on December 16 and 17, 2002. Brian Lynch's 1st outing for Nagel Heyer finds him in the fine company of Marsalis Music recording artist Miguel Zenon and three of NYC's first-call musicians, pianist Rick Germanson, bassist Hans Glawischnig and drummer Neal Smith. This CD presents the heat of Lynch's s... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

Nagel Heyer BSIN01669756

Rhodes, Twana - Thru The Night

Thru The Night. It is the album title. Not a description of the way the CD was made. Not at all. The recording process was more like an odyssey through every shades of life. It took around seven years and was an endless way through disappointment, hope, pain, trust, depression, birth, hurt, tears, frustration and many other strong feelings until the final take was done. Nevertheless the waiting was worth every minute. Listen to the result and you will agree immediately. Twana Rhodes is an Afric... more
Price: 15,90 EUR    

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