Bock's Music Shop e.U. (Medieninhaber)
Glasauergasse 14/3
A 1130 Wien
Austria - Europe
Tel.: +43-1-877-89-58
email: office@bocksmusicshop.at
UID-Nr. ATU51074803
Firmenbuchnummer: FN 339251 z
Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien
Gerichtsstand: Wien
Owner: Dieter Bock
Bock's Music Shop was founded in January 2001 in Vienna.
Handelsgewerbe und Handelsagenten (§ 124 Z 10 GewO 1994)

PCI Data Security Standard
Bock's Music Shop e.U. confirms the compliance of PCI-Standards
All indications are carefully examined, errors in content are, however, excepted.
Bock's Music Shop reserves itself the copyright for all elements of Internet presence. Texts and contents, as well as logo and layouts remain our exclusive property.