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Privacy statement

We care about your personal data protection. We process personal data exclusively in accordance with law (DSGVO, TKG 2003)
This statement informs you of our privacy practices in relation to our website.

Your contact with us

If you contact us on our website, by e-mail, by letter, by phone or personally, your personal data will be stored for the business processes and the documentation. In accordance to the statutory storage obligations they will be disposed respectively deleted. We do not pass on data without your consent.

Data storage

We storage the e-mail address, if this is important for the business process. Your data are needed for the contractual preparation and performance. Without these we cannot enter into a contract. We do not pass on data to third parties, with the exception of the transmission of the credit card details to the Bank/Credit Card organisation, the transport company for the delivery and to our tax consultant for the execution of our fiscal obligations.

If the business process is cancelled, we delete your stored data. When the contract is concluded, all data will be stored in accordance to the statutory storage obligations (7 years).

The data processing is based on the legal regulations of § 96 Abs 3 TKG and Art 6 Abs 1 lit a (consent) and/or lit b (needed for contractual performance) of the DSGVO.

Newsletter and current Information

You may subscribe to our newsletter. Therefore we need your e-mail address and your registration. You also get our current information about new editions and events exclusively by our company.

After subscription we send you a registration confirmation by e-mail. The subscription can be cancelled at any time. We immediately delete your data in connection with the e-mail delivery.

Your rights

You have the essential right of information, correction, deletion, limitation, data portability, revocation and contradiction. When you think that the processing of your data breaks the law or that your data protection rights are violated, you can make a complaint to the supervisory authority. In Austria this is the data protection authority.

You may contact us:

Bock's Music Shop e.U. (Media owner)
Glasauergasse 14/3
A 1130 Wien
Austria - Europe
Tel./Fax: +43-1-877-89-58
email: office@bocksmusicshop.at

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