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General business terms


We always try to execute shipment as quick as possible. Unforeseen obstacles, however, give us the right to part consignment or to cancel a shipment contract. In these cases, a claim for damages will not be recognized.


All offers according shipment possibilities. Orders can be made online, by E-Mail, letter or phone and are a binding agreement. No shipment warranty can be given for second-hand products and rarities.

Shipment conditions

Shipment is made by post mail at the current mail rate or HERMES. Shipment and packaging costs are at the buyer's charge and will be accounted separately in the invoice. Shipment to countries abroad may cause additional taxes and duties to be paid by the customer. We take the risk of loss or damage until the customer or another authorised person takes delivery of the goods.

Postal charges


EUR 4.00

From a delivery value of EUR 40.00 in Austria, we charge no shipping costs!


Up to 2 kg (e.g. 1 - max. 3 CDs) - EUR 8.90 (Post)
Up to 31,5 kg (3 - approx. 50 CDs) - EUR 13.90 (HERMES)

Beyond it on request!

Outside Europe:

Up to 0,5 kg (e.g. 1 - max. 3 CDs) - EUR 15.00 (Post)
Up to 2 kg (3 CDs - approx. 15 CDs) - EUR 21.00 (Post)

Beyond it on request!

Prices in EURO incl. packing and VAT, works until recalled.

Priority-shipment is only on your explicit request. We have to charge the additional costs at you.


Our prices are in Euro (EUR) and include 10% VAT for books and sheet music and 20% VAT for other articles.

Right of return

If an article has been delivered damaged or deficient, it can be returned to Bock's Music Shop within 14 running days. In this case please contact us without fail before you send back the article. Please let us know the reason for the return. Send the parcel sufficiently stamped to:

Bock’s Music Shop e.U.
Glasauergasse 14/3
A 1130 Wien

We take the costs of the cheapest form of mailing. If the post charges us with unnecessary delivery charges because of unstamped postage, we reserve the right to deduct the price of the credit item from the product value.
We remit the value of the order within 14 running days after the receiving of the reshipment. You will be informed about the related credit item. Please keep the postal receipt from the returned parcel until you have received the notice.

Right of rescission

You have the right to cancel the order within 14 running days after the receipt of the goods. The cancellation must be written (letter or E-mail) and can be informal.
You may use the following form (Form of rescission). You will find this form as a pdf-document for download on

Download Form of rescission

You have to send back the goods immediately, by 14 running days after the sending of the notice of revocation.

Bock’s Music Shop e.U.
Glasauergasse 14/3
A 1130 Wien

We remit the value of the order within 14 running days after the receiving of your notice.
You have to bear the costs of the reshipment. You have to pay for a potential loss in value only if this is caused by handling the item for another reason than the check of the condition, characteristic or functionality.


Payment is accepted only in advance. To clear the debt, you can pay by:

Credit cards (VISA- or MasterCard)

Bank transfer Austria (only possible for domestic orders)

(BAWAG P.S.K., BIC: BAWAATWW, IBAN: AT431400001010817087), Dieter Bock

Bank transfer abroad (euro bank transfer)

(BAWAG P.S.K., BIC: BAWAATWW, IBAN: AT431400001010817087), Dieter Bock

International Money Order (IMO) (costs are at the charge of the payer)

cash (registered)

The merchandise remains our property until full payment of the price.


Place of juridiction and performance is Vienna, Austrian law in force.

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