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Matches 641 - 660 of 1181

Type Artist Title Label Condition EUR
LP Kleinschuster, Erich / 6tet ORF 1968-71 / Carmell Jones, Slide Hampton & Art Farmer (2 VINYL LP analog) Wallen bink N 129,90
LP Kleinschuster, Erich / 6tet ORF 1968-70 / Joe Henderson & Dusko Goykovich (2 VINYL LP analog) Wallen bink N 129,90
LP Kleinschuster, Erich / 6tet ORF 1968-69 / Clifford Jordan & Charles Tolliver (2 VINYL LP analog) Wallen bink N 129,90
LP Kleinschuster, Erich / 6tet Complete Series – Vol. 1/2/3 – ORF 1968-71 (6 VINYL LP analog) (Limited Edition) Wallen bink N 359,90
LP Koller, Hans Hans Across The Sea (1952-55) (VINYL-LP analog) RST N 24,90
LP Koller, Hans The German Years 1957-1964 ) (VINYL-LP analog)) RST N- 25,90
LP Koller, Hans / And Friends Legends Live (1959+1960) (Vinyl-LP anaolg) Jazzhaus SWR N 38,90
LP Koller, Hans / Friends Big Sound Koller (Vinyl-LP analog) Sonorama N 26,90
LP Konitz, Lee Real Lee Konitz (180 gr) Atlantic N 19,90
LP Konitz, Lee Subconscious Lee Prestige N- 12,90
LP Konitz, Lee / Sjösten, Lars Dedicated To Lee Dragon N 14,90
LP Kovac, Roland / Byrd, Donald / Merrill, Helen / Mangelsdorff, Albert / Getz, Stan / Shank, Bud / Menza, Don / Konitz, Lee Hello Baden Baden Sessions 1955-60 (VINYL-LP) Jazz Selection N-/- 17,90
LP Krall, Diana Quiet Nights (LP analog, Ltd. Edit.) Verve N 29,90
LP Kramer, Gorni Stelle Degli Anni '40 (Vinyl-LP) La Canzone Italiana E+ 11,90
LP Kraus, Peter Die grossen Erfolge Karussell E 2,50
LP Kreisler, Georg Everblacks (2 VINYL-LP analog) Intercord N-/E+ 15,90
LP Kreisler, Georg Kreisleriana (VINYL-LP analog) Preiser E+/E+ 14,90
LP Kreuder, Peter Swing Tanzen Verboten (VINYL-LP) Telefunken N-/E+ 7,90
LP Kronos Quartet White Man Sleeps (VINYL LP analog) Elektra Nonesuch N- 17,90
LP Krupa / Bellson / Blakey / Clarke Kings of Drums 2 CBS E+ 7,90

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