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Content: 9 Item(s)

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Type Artist Title Label OrderID EUR Quantity
LP Widmann, Kurt Die Grossen Tanzorchester 1930–1950 (2 VINYL-LP-Set) Polydor  BSIN05179900 11,90
CD Harnoncourt, Nikolaus / CMW L'Orfeo (GA) (2 CD-Set) Teldec Classics  BSIN05490417 19,90
LP Plattner & Plattners Jazz Corporation Meets Roy Williams What A Wonderful World (VINYL-LP) Wildcat  BSIN05511192 17,90
LP Mezzrow, Mezz Paris 1955, Volume 1 (VINYL-LP analog) Disques Swing  BSIN05515347 9,90
LP Basie, Count / Williams, Joe Breakfast Dance And Barbecue (VINYL-LP) Roulette  BSIN05173252 14,90
CD Shepp, Archie Archie Shepp Musica Jazz  BSIN05429200 9,90
LP Armstrong, Louis / And His Harlem Band European Tour 1933 - 1934 (VINYl-LP) Musicmouth  BSIN05190980 15,90
LP Sawallisch, Wolfgang / Staatskapelle Dresden Sämtliche Sinfonien / The Complete Symphonies (5 Vinyl-LP-Set) Philips  BSIN03786036 29,90
LP Böhm, Karl / WPO / Price, Margaret / Ludwig, Christa / Ochmann, Wieslaw / Talvela, Martti Missa Solemnis (2 LP-Set) DG  BSIN03627038 12,90
Total 143,10

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