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Content: 11 Item(s)

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Type Artist Title Label OrderID EUR Quantity
CD Koglmann, Franz / Septet Fruits Of Solitude Ezz-thetics  BSIN05005390 17,90
CD Gordon, Dexter / Quartet Swiss Radio Days Jazz Series Vol. 45 / Dexter Gordon TCB  BSIN05300118 27,90
CD Petrucciani, Michel / Peacock, Gary / Haynes, Roy One Night in Karlsruhe SWR Jazzhaus  BSIN04973535 12,90
CD Schumann, Coco Double (50 Years In Jazz) (2 CD-Set) Trikont  BSIN01098028 22,90
CD Coltrane, John Blue World Impulse  BSIN05056081 20,90
CD Bley, Carla / Sheppard, Andy / Swallow, Steve Life Goes On ECM  BSIN05137796 21,90
CD Koller, Hans Free Sound Quintet Jive Music  BSIN05303442 17,90
CD Hampton, Lionel Live in 1948 (2 CD-Set) Sounds of Yester Year  BSIN04357487 18,90
CD Muthspiel, Wolfgang Where The River Goes ECM  BSIN04910379 21,90
CD Bailey, Philip Love Will Find A Way Verve  BSIN04992371 21,90
CD Hayes, Isaac SPIRIT OF MEMPHIS 1962-1976 (4 CD + Vinyl 7' Single Limited Edition) Stax  BSIN04800410 59,90
Total 264,90

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