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Content: 10 Item(s)

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   Christmas (CDs)
   New Year Concerts (CD, LP, BR, DVD)
   Periodicals (Musica Jazz, OEMZ, Concerto)
Second Hand


From a delivery value of EUR 40.00 in Austria, we charge no shipping costs!

Type Artist Title Label OrderID EUR Quantity
DVD Bernstein, Leonard / IPO Lieder / Songs (DVD-Video) DG  BSIN03585211 29,90
DVD Bisenz, Alexander Best of Bisenz & Wurbala (DVD & CD) Preiser  BSIN05283775 29,90
DVD Muti, Riccardo / Wiener Philharmoniker Neujahrskonzert 2018 / New Year's Concert 2018 (DVD-Video) Sony Classical  BSIN04792654 24,90
CD Fitzgerald, Ella Ella Wishes You A Swinging Christmas Verve  BSIN01621004 19,90
DVD Muliar, Fritz Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk (4 DVD-Video) Polarfilm  BSIN03339235 24,90
DVD Laurie, Hugh Live On The Queen Mary (DVD-Video) Eagle Vision  BSIN04477151 21,90
DVD Queen Live At Wembley Stadium (2 DVD-Video) Capitol  BSIN03256966 24,90
DVD Lyko, Uwe (Herbert Knebel) / Schmickler, Wilfried Mitternachtsspitzen - Loki und Smoky (DVD-Video) Bear Family  BSIN03410424 19,50
DVD Burgtheater (Hörbiger, Paul / Hörbiger, Attila / Seidler, Alma / +) Der Alpenkönig und der Menschenfeind (Ferdinand Raimund) (DVD-Video) Hoa  BSIN04923675 24,90
DVD Qualtinger, Helmut Helmut Qualtinger Jubiläumsbox (10 DVD-Video) Hoa  BSIN04923121 89,90
Total 310,60

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