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Ennio Morricone gastiert am 12. Dezember 2007 in der Wiener Stadthalle.

Der italienische Komponist und Dirigent Ennio Morricone (geb. 10. 11 1928 in Trastevere, Rom) tritt mit eigenem Orchester am Mittwoch, den 12. Dezember 2007, zum ersten Mal in Wien auf.
Morricone ist einer der vielseitigsten Komponisten unserer Zeit und wurde durch seine Filmmusiken zu Italo-Western von Sergio Leone (z.B. ”Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod” (1968)), weltberühmt.
Neben seinen fast 400 Film-Soundtracks schrieb er auch zahlreiche Werke für Radio und Fernsehen, Klassische Musik, Kammermusik für verschiedene Besetzungen usw.

Bock's Music Shop präsentiert hier eine Auswahl an Tonträgern und DVDs aus dem umfangreichen Schaffen von Ennio Morricone.

Tonträger und DVDs


Euro Arts BSIN02702135 (DVD-Video)

Morricone, Ennio - Morricone Conducts Morricone

Composer: Ennio Morricone

Morricone Conducts Morricone (DVD-Video)
Susanna Rigacci (soprano), Gilda Buttà (piano), Ulrich Herkenhoff (panpipe), Henry Raudales (solo violin), Norbert Merkl (solo viola), Choir des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Münchner Rundfunkorchester, Ennio Morricone.
This film is a genuine première starring the greatest motion picture composer of the present day: Ennio Morricone. Morricone’s music has been well known to moviegoers for decades and his name stands for warmly melodic soundtracks, super... more
Price: 28,50 EUR    

Immortal (Videoland) BSIN02702412 (DVD-Video)

Morricone, Ennio - A Man And His Music

Composer: Ennio Morricone

From his quirky compositions for the spaghetti Westerns of Sergio Leone to his sublime musical contributions to director Roland Joffé's acclaimed 1986 drama The Mission, film composer Ennio Morricone has crafted more than 500 scores over the course of his enduring career in film. Now fans can take a look back at the life and career of one of cinema's most prolific composers through interviews with both the composer himself and many of his longtime collaborators. From his Italian efforts to his w... more
Price: 28,50 EUR    

SCL BSIN02702689

Morricone, Ennio - Legende des Ozeanpianisten (OST)

Composer: Ennio Morricone

Die Legende vom Ozeanpianisten - The Legend Of 1900
Originalmusik von Ennio Morricone zu dem gleichnamigen Film von Giuseppe Tornatore.
Released 1999.
Price: 9,90 EUR    

Spalax BSIN02702966

Morricone, Ennio - Dalle Ardenne Allinferno (OST)

Composer: Ennio Morricone

New series of Ennio Morricone soundtracks that Spalax is licensing. Each CD in the series has 2 original soundtracks on 1 CD. This one with Dalle Ardenne All'Inferno (1968). Morricone created somewhere between 300 & 400 soundtracks, most notably in the early 60s and 70s. "Morricone brought a 'surrealistic panorama of strange cries, savage guitar chords, jangling bells and cracking of whips'. The results have been described as sounding like 'Mitch Miller on dope'". The packages replicate original... more
Price: 18,90 EUR    

Spalax BSIN02703243

Morricone, Ennio - Il Prefetto di Ferro / Il Mostro (OST)

Composer: Ennio Morricone

2 original soundtracks on 1 CD, both from 1977. "This re-issue supplies a more complete portrait of Morricone. Today's technology enables the listener to appreciate with greater clarity the Mediterranean sounds of Pasquale Squitieri's Il Prefetto... which are sometimes warm and at others harsh but are sounds which unmistakably remind the listener that the composer draws from an intimate knowledge of the folk music of the region." (Claudio Fuiano)
Released 1997.
Price: 18,90 EUR    

Spalax BSIN02703520

Morricone, Ennio - Holocaust 2000 / Sesso In Confessionale (OST)

Composer: Ennio Morricone

Two original soundtracks on 1 CD, Holocaust 2000 from 1977. Sesso In Confessionale is one of the most chaotic, experimental works in this series to date.
Released 1997.
Price: 18,90 EUR    

Emarcy Classics BSIN02703797

Kraayenhof, Carel - Guardians Of The Clouds

Composer: Ennio Morricone

Carel Kraayenhof - Guardians of the Clouds
Filmmusik von Ennio Morricone.
Gabriel's Oboe;La tragedia di un uomo ridicolo, Mercato, Liricamente, I gelsomini, Antiqa palava, C'era una volta, il trenino, La commozione dell'addio, I figli di pan, Family of the poor, Guardians of the clouds, Teneramente amore.
(Aus den Filmen "The Mission","La Tragedia di un uomo ridicolo","Guardiani delle nuvole","Dimenticare Palermo", "City of Joy", "Tempo di uccidere")
Carel Kraayenhof (Bandone... more
Price: 22,90 EUR    

Sony Classics BSIN02704074

Ma, Yo-Yo - Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone

Composer: Ennio Morricone

Yo-Yo Ma - Plays Ennio Morricone
Gabriel's Oboe aus "The Mission", Giuseppe Tornatore-Suite, Sergio Leone-Suite, Brian de Palma-Suite, Moses & Marco PoloSuite, The Lady Caliph.
Yo-Yo Ma, Roma Sinfonietta Orchestra, Ennio Morricone
Released 2004.

"Yo-Yo Ma bevorzugt weit ausholende Sehnsuchts-Melodien, von der Roma Sinfonietta unter Morricone persönlich in aller üppigen Pracht ausgebreitet. Die Technik unterstreicht das: fetter, vollsatt präsenter Bre... more
Price: 9,90 EUR    
If you're searching for more CDs or DVDs from Ennio Morricone, please contact us via email (office@bocksmusicshop.at) or Telephon (+43-1-877-89-58).

Please call us for further informations.

Dieter Bock



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