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Matches 1 - 7 of 7

Type Artist Title Label Condition EUR
CD Original Storyville Jazzband I Had A Dream Groove Records N 17,90
CD Original Storyville Jazzband Downhome Spirituals Groove Records N 17,90
CD Sunshine, Lightfoot, Elsdon, Wallis, Charlesworth, Mulligan, Melly At The Jazz Band Ball Upbeat N 16,90
CD Various Artists Hot Jazz Played In Vienna Vol. 4 + 5 (2 CD-Set) Groove Records N 23,90
LP Original Storyville Jazzband A Ticket To New Orleans (VINYL-LP analog) Wirklicher Jassclub Wien N-/E+ 19,90
LP Various Artists Hot Jazz Played In Vienna (Vol.2/3) (2 VINYL-LP analog) Wirklicher Jassclub Wien N- 24,90
LP Various Artists (Al Fats Edwards Trio, Blue Note Seven, Original Storyville Jazzband, Stanton Jazzclub Orchestra, Stanton Minors) Salute To Satchmo (VINYL-LP) Groove N-/E+ 18,90

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