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Matches 861 - 880 of 1220

Type Artist Title Label Condition EUR
CD Perick, Gustav / Jones, King / RSO Berlin Notre Dame (Gesamtaufnahme), Weltpremiere (2 CD-Set) Capriccio N- 16,90
LP Peterson, Oscar Oscar Peterson MGM E+ 9,90
LP Peterson, Oscar In Tune MPS E+ 9,30
CD Peterson, Oscar The Vienna Concert Musica Jazz N- 14,90
LP Peterson, Oscar Canadiana Suite Trip N- 12,50
CD Peterson, Oscar / Trio Love For Sale Universe E+ 4,90
CD Petrucciani, Michel Michel Petrucciani Musica Jazz N- 9,90
CD Pettiford, Oscar / Orchestra Deep Passion GRP/Impulse N-/E+ 19,90
LP Piano, Choir Handscapes 2 Strata-East E/F 6,50
CD Piazzolla, Astor / Mulligan, Gerry Reunion Cumbre Trova N- 24,90
LP Pierce, Billie & Dee Dee New Orleans Jazz Storyville E+ 9,30
LP Pierce, Billie & Dee Dee New Orleans Jazz Storyville E+ 9,50
CD Pierce, De De / and his New Orleans Stompers In Binghamton, N.Y. Volume 3 American Music Records N- 15,90
CD Plane-Dukes-Rahman Trio Chamber Music For Clarinet, Viola & Piano / Homage To Schumann ASV N-/E+ 21,90
CD Plasson, Michel / OCT Sinfonien 1-5 (2 CD-Set) EMI Classics N-/E+ 19,90
LP Plattner & Plattner Jazz Corporation Heavy Dixieland Package (VINYL-LP) Wildcat N-/E+ 17,90
LP Plattner & Plattners Jazz Corporation Meets Roy Williams What A Wonderful World (VINYL-LP) Wildcat N-/E+ 17,90
LP Pogues, The Rum Sodomy & The Lash Stiff E+ 8,70
CD Pollini, Maurizio / Abbado Klavierkonzerte 1+2 (GA) (2 CD-Set) Deutsche Grammophon N- 24,90
CD Polo, Danny / And His Swing Stars The Complete Sets Retrieval N- 19,90

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