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9. Jazzwissenschaftlicher Kongress: 40 Jahre Jazzforschung in Graz / 9th Jazz Musicological Congress in Graz, 15.-17. Mai 2009 Jazz and Jazz Research in Europe Dear Participants of the Congress In 1969 the International Society for Jazz Research was founded at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. On the occasion of this, the 40th anniversary of its founding, we have organized the ”9th Jazz Research Congress” around the theme ”Jazz and Jazz Research in Europe”. In addition to analyses of musical tendencies and jazz styles in Europe the congress will offer an occasion to discuss jazz research as a part of European musicology from the viewpoint of musicologists, jazz historians, music journalists and the practical musician. Contributions of the lecturers from the USA, France, Italy, Norway, Great Britain, Germany and Austria will be published in volume 42 (2010) of our annual, Jazzforschung / Jazz Research. Reports and interviews from the congress will be broadcast in cooperation with the Austrian and West German radio networks on May 23, 2009 (”Lange Nacht des Jazz”). I cordially invite you to attend this Congress. Yours, Dr. Franz Kerschbaumer University Professor and President of the ISJ (International Society for Jazz Research) Organizer: Institut für Jazzforschung an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz Internationale Gesellschaft für Jazzforschung Radio Jazz Reserach Venue: Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz 8010 Graz, Leonhardstraße 15, Palais Meran, Florentinersaal Admission free! Organization: A.o.Univ.Prof.Dr. Franz Krieger Office: Gertraud Steinberger und Mag. Martina Tozzi Leonhardstraße 15, A 8010 Graz Tel: +43/(0)316/389-3160 Fax: +43/(0)316/389-3161 E-Mail: gertraud.steinberger@kug.ac.at martina.tozzi@kug.ac.at Website: www.jazzresearch.org Organization and Direction: O.Univ.Prof.Dr. Franz Kerschbaumer Please call us for further informations. Dieter Bock BOCK'S MUSIC SHOP |