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Ausstellung Acrylbilder
Elisabeth Bock

28. November 2024 bis 31. Jänner 2025
in der VHS Hietzing


Edith Lettner – alto & soprano sax
Karl Takats – tenor sax
Harry Gansberger – keyboards
Wolfgang Heinrich – bass
Stephan Brodsky – drums
Stefan Wagner - guitar

Stefan Wagner Group (Foto: Wolfgang Gonaus)

This band from Vienna/Austria exists since 1997. During the last years, the ”Stefan Wagner Group” played a lot of shows and concerts in Vienna and the surrounding area, the biggest ones were three performances at the largest open – air festival in Europe, the ”Donauinselfest” (Danube Island Festival) in the Austrian capital, the ”Stefan Wagner Group” played also two shows as a supporting act for the band of Simon Phillips (drummer of ”TOTO”) in Vienna and Graz. On July 23rd, 2005, the ”Stefan Wagner Group” performed at the Jazzfestival Wiesen (one of the most important Jazzfestivals in Austria - it exists since 1978).

On April 11th, 2005, the ”Stefan Wagner Group” released its first CD entitled ”Listen Well”. This Album consists of 10 originals by Stefan Wagner, who wrote the tunes during the last 20 years. The music is influenced mainly by Latin, Modern Jazz and Blues, important for Stefan Wagner are clear and logical melodic lines as well as improvisations with lot of expression. Those improvisation are not only played by Stefan Wagner himself, but also mainly by keyboarder Harry Gansberger and the two sax players Edith Lettner and Karl Takats.

Stefan Wagner (born 1965) started to play the guitar when he was 15 and began to play Hardrock. His first teacher brought him into Jazz. Stefan Wagner’s first great influences were John McLaughlin as well as the famous Austrian guitar player Karl Ratzer (who lived in the States during the 1970s). Later he had further influences by Pat Martino, George Benson and Pat Metheny, besides the instrument guitar mainly by Miles Davis and John Coltrane. Stefan Wagner studied Jazz – Guitar at a music - conservatory in Vienna and made his final exam in 1989. Since then he lives as a musician and radio reporter (for the Austrian public radio ”ORF”) in Vienna and played in various bands, before he established his ”Stefan Wagner Group” in 1997.

The other musicians of the ”Stefan Wagner Group” belong to the best-known instrumentalists in Austria. Their musical roots are quite different; the result is a very original mixture of styles and instrumental voices, which come together in a very unique and exceptional way.

Edith Lettner (alto & soprano sax) and Stephan Brodsky (drums) are the leaders of the in Austria very well known ethno - group ”Phone3Phone”.

Besides that Edith plays in various other groups, but she’s a well-known painter as well, she created also the cover of the CD ”Listen Well”.

Stephan Brodsky played drums in the past with Leo Wright, Alan Praskin, Sammy Price and the band ”Blue Brass Connection”.

Wolfgang Heinrich played bass with Joey Baron, Peter Madsen and the well-known Austrian Big Band ”Nouvelle Cuisine”, he’s is also leading his own band ”Art Recycling Factory”.

Harry Gansberger can be seen as a legend of Austrian Jazz. He played keyboards in many different Jazz and Blues bands, for example in a Jazz & Funk group called ”Ostinato” as well as with the Viennese violin player Rudi Berger, who used to live in NYC.

Last, but not least Karl Takats (tenor sax) played in the bands of various famous Austrian Pop & Rock – Singers, for example with Heli Deinboek and Ludwig Hirsch as well as in different jazz groups.

Tracklist of the CD ”Listen Well”:

1.You’re So Cool7:12
2.Weizenfelder6:36(German title; engl. „wheat – fields“)
3.Nine To Six9:56
4.Less Fear More Hope5:11
5.Smiling Boy (For Clemens) 4:25
6.A Very Special Place6:50
8.Donaukanal7:30(German title; a river in Vienna)
9.Waltz For Rebecca6:09
10.New Atlantis12:03

All songs by Stefan Wagner; Recorded: Nov 10, 11/2004; released April 2005 Record Company/Label: SBF/Mystica CD BSIN01654244


Mystica BSIN01654244

Wagner, Stefan / Group - Listen Well

Die erste CD ”Listen Well” beinhaltet 10 Eigenkompositionen des Gitarristen, die im Laufe der letzten Jahre entstanden und an zwei Nachmittagen im November 2004 von der ”Stefan Wagner Group” eingespielt wurden.
Die Musik Stefan Wagners ist vor allem von Latin und modernem Jazz beeinflusst. Wichtig sind ihm dabei vor allem klare Melodielinien, eine ausgeprägte musikalische Logik sowie ausdrucksstarke Improvisationen, für die neben Stefan Wagner selbst vo... more
Price: 18,90 EUR    

Please call us for further informations and bookings.

Dieter Bock



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