ADEVA BSIN04992094 Graz 2018,, Englisch, PB, 232 S. with numerous examples of music, Format: 16,5 x 24 cm Szegedi, Márton - Jazzforschung / Jazz Research 47 (2015): The Music of Gábor Szabó This item is currently not available!
Jazzforschung / Jazz research 47 (2015)
Band 47 der Reihe jazzforschung/jazz research.
Hg. v. der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Jazzforschung (IGJ) und dem Institut für Jazzforschung an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz.
The jazz guitarist Gábor Szabó (1936-1982), who fled to the United States in 1956 during the Hungarian Revolution, was one oft he few Hungarians to play a significant role in American jazz history. This study concerns itself with Szabó‘s musical style.
49,00 EUR