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Matches 141 - 146 of 146

Type Artist Title Label Condition EUR
CD Kahn, Roger Wolfe / And His Orchedtra Crazy Rhythm Living Era N- 16,90
CD Shaw, Artie Classics 1951-1954 Chronological E+ 28,90
LP Shaw, Artie The Beat Of The Big Bands Embassy E+ 8,50
LP Shaw, Artie Clarinet Magic With The Big Band And Strings. Volume 1 (VINYL-LP) Musicraft E+/E- 9,90
LP Shaw, Artie Mel Torme And The Meltones Presto E+ 8,60
LP Shaw, Artie / And His Orchestra The Uncollected 1939, Vol.3 (VINYL-LP analog) Hindsight N-/E+ 12,90

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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