LaserLight Digital BSIN05447482 Zustand: gut erhaltenes Exemplar mit Gebrauchspuren. CD spielt einwandfrei Intern.Childrens' Choir / + - Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer (T’Was The Night Before Christmas) Tracklist:
1. Must be Santa - Price, Peter
2. The night before - Price, Peter
3. Santa Claus - Price, Peter
4. Sleigh ride - Steinberg, Pinchas
5. Feliz navidad - Price, Peter
6. Frosty the snowman - Holly Players Orchestra
7. I heard the bells on Christmas Day - Price, Peter
8. O holy night - Radu, Dinu
9. Blue Christmas - Jane, Carol
10. Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer - Price, Peter
11. Up on the housetop (Instrumental) - Holly Players Orchestra
12. Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree - Jane, Carol
13. The Christmas waltz - Holly Players Orchestra
14. Jolly old St. Nicholas - Holly Players Orchestra
15. Silent Night, Holy Night - Holly Players Orchestra
16. L'Encouragement op. 34 (Fantasie für 2 Gitarren) (Auszug): Andantino - Rost, Jürgen / Rost Monika
Released 1998.
3,90 EUR